Youth unemployment is becoming a serious concern in India. The country’s young population is lacking the opportunity to reach their full potential, as the number of jobs are also dwindling. In India, we have a very large population of young people as well as adolescents. Younger generations in rural communities are struggling to make an income and have a stable career. Many may go on to finish college or other higher education programs with limited access to jobs that require such degree, certificates & diploma, due to their studies lacking specialized skill sets and learning outcomes.

Ways to create more job opportunities

India is leading the way in entrepreneurial and innovative spirit, with a goal to promote start-ups and young entrepreneurs. As of now, there are over 10,500 startups in India which exhibits our dedication to supporting this sector of the community by promoting growth and success and ensuring our youth are inspired to take part.

  • In addition, we continue to be on the forefront of technological advancements as can be seen through initiatives like StartUp India and Digital India.
  • One of the top priorities and goals specified by the Skill India program belongs to training and providing vocational skills for more than 40 crores citizens by 2022.
  • The skills one develops are associated with numerous industries and plans that include boosting training and job placement within 73 different programs focused on multiple sectors.
  • By equipping youth with specific opportunities through productive career-based talents, there's an open market available that can meet demands of local and national communities equally.

The significance of raising social awareness through effective programs of education and mass communication must be realized at all levels to bridge the gap in the long run.

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