Science, technology, engineering, and math — collectively known as STEM — have become the darlings of education in recent years. Politicians, educators, and corporate responsibility arms of large enterprises are encouraging students to pursue these subjects. And they’re backing it with resources.

Organizations go way beyond just providing funding to the STEM sector, they have a more corporate approach to their social responsibility initiatives. Help in building STEM into social responsibility statements and making STEM a prominent part of the corporate agenda.

A number of internal programs can help educators and students develop technical skills, particularly in computer science and coding, that fit within the realm of STEM. Under STEM programs, we can target one section of the society and work on them. Like teaching teenage girls how to code, digital skills, etc for free. This can be done by partnering with an online learning platform, network simulation software, instructor development, assessment tools, and curriculum to increase focus on employment opportunities with practical learning.

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